
What's next???

Since my South American/Antarctic adventure ended in January, my daily routine can best be described as non-stop chaos. I can't remember at what point in time, my 'retirement' ended; & life became so........"crazy". One thing I know for sure, that sense of peace that enveloped my body while exploring that frozen wonderland, has long since left me.

There's only one cure for such insanity.........plan another cruise. Something to look forward to; something to live for; the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe because I'm approaching another MAJOR milestone birthday (or the clock's slowly ticking down toward "Armageddon"), I'm throwing caution to the wind & going all out this winter. Thanks to an outstanding travel agent partner & a sweet deal through Crystal Cruises, I plan to indulge in a fantasy of sailing on the World Cruise. Well, at least a good part of it, anyway.

I've been extremely fortunate to have visited most of the ports on my 'bucket list'. Now, I will attempt to explore a few places that didn't quite make the 'official' bucket list. If only I had the time AND the money to do the full world cruise; I would love to find out just how long I could 'tolerate' being at sea. But for now 8 weeks will just have to do. Let the countdown begin...........

V2302F Enlarged Map


Mary Beth said...

Hi, I found your blog through Cruise Critic. Love it and your life (so far) story. I live in Lehigh and would love to be able to do a world cruise. You are so blessed!

Have fun planning your adventure!

Celeste and Bill said...

We are so looking forward to sailing with you again. We are doing the whole world cruise but my husband says if he can't take anymore he is flying home! Should be interesting. He also told me after this one no more long ones longer than 35 days so that is good!!!!!!! See you soon.

Unknown said...

I'm soooo excited & ready to escape the rat race. If I could afford to do so, I'd be right along beside you all the way. Although I can't imagine wanting to jump ship, this will be a good exercise to learn what my limits might be. I've done 25 days easily; but 56 is another matter. I guess we'll see what Bill & I are truly made of. Can't wait.....

Janet said...

8 weeks -- wow!!! I will be living vicariously through you again. I'm pretty sure I could take 8 weeks on Crystal if I could ever figure out how to pay for those 8 weeks. Each cruise, though, is longer, so I guess I'm working up to it. Enjoy and please have one drink for me, at least. Thank you so much for writing these blogs. Janet

Unknown said...

This is certainly breaking my bank. I'll have to stay landlocked for at least a year after this one.

Thank you for your interest in my stories. When I follow the blogs of others, I can place myself there & can almost taste the experience through their words. That's the whole point after all, to try to make it so real that the reader can relive memories of their own past voyages. I'll be thinking about all my CC & FB friends; & I'll try to do you proud!