Katie waves goodbye to the hotel staff as we pull away from the landing stage.

You can't help but get misty eyed pulling away; watching all those lucky tourists who are stating their day w/ a leisurely stroll. Passing Piazza San Marco, the Campanile, St. Marks Cathedral & the Doge's Palace.

Our driver took us through the middle of the islands using some of the smaller canals. We saw boats dropping off supplies. We even saw a casket being taken from a boat up to a church for burial. You have to keep reminding yourself that the canals are their streets; & everything takes place there. Racing fire boats, police, ambulances.

We made it to the airport landing stage by 9:30; plenty of time for our 11:30 flight. It's a hefty walk (if you are so inclined) from the stage to the airport terminal. We took a minivan ride (€20) w/ our luggage. As we feared, Katie' big suitcase was overweight. So, we're on our knees taking stuff out of hers & putting it in mine. Although I doubt that we took out enough weight, the counter agent took pity on us; & let it pass. Wasn't sure if they'd make me take off the TSA approved locks; but they didn't say a thing.
Flying over the Alps

1 comment:
Thanx for sharing your adventures with me... :)
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